
the RxJS concatMap Operator

RxJS concatMap operator, showcasing sequential processing of inner Observables

The concatMap operator in RxJS is a powerful tool for managing sequential operations involving Observables. It allows you to map each value from a source Observable to a new inner Observable, ensuring that each inner Observable is processed one at a time in sequence. This makes it ideal for scenarios requiring ordered execution, such as handling API requests, file uploads, or dependent tasks.

In this article, we’ll explore how concatMap works, its syntax, common use cases, and practical examples to help you leverage it effectively in your RxJS-based applications.

What is the concatMap Operator?

The concatMap operator:

  • Transforms values emitted by a source Observable into inner Observables.
  • Concatenates the inner Observables sequentially, subscribing to one only after the previous has completed.
  • Preserves order, ensuring that the values emitted by the source Observable are processed in sequence.

Key Features

  • Executes each inner Observable one after another in the order of emission.
  • Guarantees that no inner Observable starts until the previous one completes.
  • Useful for maintaining the order of operations, especially when working with asynchronous tasks.


typescriptCopy codeconcatMap(project: (value: T, index: number) => ObservableInput, resultSelector?: (outerValue, innerValue, outerIndex, innerIndex) => any): OperatorFunction


  1. project: A function that maps each emitted value from the source Observable to an inner Observable.
    • Takes the emitted value and index as arguments.
  2. resultSelector (optional): A function to transform the result of the inner Observable.


  • An Observable that emits values from the inner Observables sequentially.

Importing concatMap

To use concatMap, import it from rxjs/operators:

typescriptCopy codeimport { concatMap } from 'rxjs/operators';

How Does concatMap Work?

  1. The source Observable emits a value.
  2. concatMap maps this value to an inner Observable using the project function.
  3. The inner Observable is subscribed to, and its values are emitted.
  4. After the inner Observable completes, the next value from the source Observable is processed.


Example 1: Basic Usage

Mapping values to delayed Observables.

typescriptCopy codeimport { of } from 'rxjs';
import { concatMap, delay } from 'rxjs/operators';
const source$ = of(1, 2, 3);
const result$ = source$.pipe(
  concatMap((value) => of(`Processed value: ${value}`).pipe(delay(1000)))
result$.subscribe((data) => console.log(data));
// Output:
// Processed value: 1 (after 1 second)
// Processed value: 2 (after 2 seconds)
// Processed value: 3 (after 3 seconds)


  • Each value from source$ is mapped to an inner Observable that emits a delayed string.
  • The next inner Observable doesn’t start until the previous one completes.

Example 2: Sequential API Requests

Simulating API requests where each depends on the previous one.

typescriptCopy codeimport { of } from 'rxjs';
import { concatMap } from 'rxjs/operators';
const apiMock = (id: number) => of(`API Response for ID: ${id}`).pipe(delay(1000));
const ids$ = of(1, 2, 3);
  .pipe(concatMap((id) => apiMock(id)))
  .subscribe((response) => console.log(response));
// Output:
// API Response for ID: 1 (after 1 second)
// API Response for ID: 2 (after 2 seconds)
// API Response for ID: 3 (after 3 seconds)


  • Each id from ids$ is passed to the apiMock function.
  • The mock API call is represented by an Observable that emits after a 1-second delay.
  • The responses are logged sequentially, ensuring each request completes before the next starts.

Example 3: File Upload Simulation

Uploading files one at a time.

typescriptCopy codeimport { of } from 'rxjs';
import { concatMap, delay } from 'rxjs/operators';
const uploadFile = (fileName: string) =>
  of(`Uploaded ${fileName}`).pipe(delay(1500));
const files$ = of('file1.txt', 'file2.txt', 'file3.txt');
  .pipe(concatMap((file) => uploadFile(file)))
  .subscribe((status) => console.log(status));
// Output:
// Uploaded file1.txt (after 1.5 seconds)
// Uploaded file2.txt (after 3 seconds)
// Uploaded file3.txt (after 4.5 seconds)


  • Each file is processed by the uploadFile function, which simulates a delayed upload.
  • Files are uploaded sequentially, ensuring only one file is uploaded at a time.

Comparison with Other Operators

concatMap vs mergeMap

  • concatMap: Inner Observables are executed sequentially, preserving order.
  • mergeMap: Inner Observables are executed concurrently, and order is not guaranteed.

concatMap vs switchMap

  • concatMap: Waits for the current inner Observable to complete before starting the next.
  • switchMap: Cancels the current inner Observable if a new one starts.

Common Use Cases

  1. Sequential API Requests: When requests depend on each other or must be executed in order.
  2. Chained Operations: Sequentially perform tasks like processing, saving, or uploading data.
  3. Delayed Execution: Add delays between tasks for throttling or animation.

Best Practices

  1. Use When Order Matters: Prefer concatMap for tasks that must occur sequentially.
  2. Avoid Long-Running Inner Observables: Ensure inner Observables complete in a reasonable time to prevent blocking subsequent tasks.
  3. Error Handling: Combine with operators like catchError to gracefully handle errors in the inner Observables.


The RxJS concatMap operator is an essential tool for sequentially mapping and processing Observables while preserving order. Whether you’re managing API requests, processing tasks, or simulating real-world workflows, concatMap provides a clear and effective way to handle asynchronous operations in sequence.

By understanding and leveraging concatMap, you can build more predictable, maintainable, and efficient reactive applications. Start experimenting with it today, and see how it simplifies your RxJS workflows!

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