
ngStyle Angular – styles in Angular 2+

Styles in Angular, ngStyle

In Angular, dynamic styling is a crucial part of creating responsive and interactive web applications. While CSS provides a static way to apply styles, Angular’s ngStyle directive offers a more flexible and dynamic approach to modify styles based on component state or user interaction.

In this article, we’ll explore when to use the ngStyle core directive, how it differs from the regular [style] binding, and how to use it with objects, functions returning objects, and other scenarios.

What is ngStyle?

ngStyle is a built-in Angular directive that allows you to dynamically update inline styles on elements. It works by accepting an object, where the keys represent CSS properties, and the values represent their corresponding values.

The syntax for using ngStyle is as follows:

htmlCopy code<div [ngStyle]="styleExpression">Content here</div>

Here, styleExpression is an object where each key-value pair corresponds to a CSS property and its value.

Why Use ngStyle?

While the standard [style] binding in Angular is sufficient for many cases, ngStyle offers more flexibility, especially when dealing with multiple styles that change based on complex conditions.

When to use ngStyle?

  • Dynamic Styling: Use ngStyle when you need to apply styles that depend on component variables, expressions, or conditions.
  • Multiple Styles: If you need to apply multiple styles conditionally, ngStyle allows you to manage them in a more organized and efficient way than using individual [] bindings.
  • Style Calculation: When the styles need to be calculated dynamically based on functions, ngStyle can handle it more efficiently.

Comparison: [style] vs. [ngStyle]

Using [style]

The [style] binding in Angular allows you to bind a single CSS property to an expression. It is useful when you need to conditionally set one style property.


htmlCopy code<div [style.color]="isActive ? 'green' : 'red'">[style] Example</div>

In this example:

  • If isActive is true, the text color is set to green.
  • If isActive is false, the text color is set to red.

While the [style] binding is simple and straightforward, it becomes verbose when dealing with multiple style properties, as you need to create a separate binding for each property.

Using [ngStyle]

The [ngStyle] directive allows you to set multiple style properties at once by passing an object.


htmlCopy code<div [ngStyle]="{ 'color': isActive ? 'green' : 'red', 'font-size': fontSize + 'px' }">
  [ngStyle] Example

In this case:

  • The text color is set to green if isActive is true, otherwise red.
  • The font size is dynamically set based on the fontSize variable.

Key Differences:

  • [style] is used for single properties and is more specific, whereas [ngStyle] is designed for handling multiple properties simultaneously.
  • [style] may be more performant in cases where only one property changes, but [ngStyle] is more convenient and readable when dealing with multiple dynamic styles.

Using ngStyle with an Object

The most common way to use ngStyle is by passing an object with CSS properties and values. The object can be defined directly in the template or in the component.

Example with Object in the Template:

htmlCopy code<div [ngStyle]="{ 'background-color': isHighlighted ? 'yellow' : 'white', 'border': '1px solid black' }">
  ngStyle with Object in Template

Example with Object in the Component:

In the component:

typescriptCopy codestyles = {
  'background-color': 'lightblue',
  'font-size': '18px',
  'padding': '10px'

In the template:

htmlCopy code<div [ngStyle]="styles">ngStyle with Object from Component</div>

In this example, the element will have a light blue background, a font size of 18px, and padding of 10px.

Use Cases for Objects
  • Multiple Style Changes: When you need to apply multiple styles at once based on a certain condition.
  • Static Styles with Dynamic Overrides: You can combine static styles with dynamic conditions to create responsive styling.

Using ngStyle with a Function Returning an Object

For more complex scenarios where styles depend on calculated values, using a function to return the style object can be more efficient and readable.

In the component:

typescriptCopy codegetDynamicStyles() {
  return {
    'background-color': this.isActive ? 'green' : 'red',
    'font-size': this.isLarge ? '24px' : '14px'

In the template:

htmlCopy code<div [ngStyle]="getDynamicStyles()">ngStyle with Function</div>

In this example:

  • If isActive is true, the background color will be green; otherwise, it will be red.
  • The font size will be 24px if isLarge is true, otherwise 14px.
Use Cases for Functions
  • Complex Logic: When the logic for determining styles involves multiple variables or complex conditions.
  • Dynamic Calculations: For cases where styles are not only conditionally applied but are calculated based on other data (e.g., screen width, data values).
  • Reusability: The function can be reused in multiple places, making the component more modular.

Advanced Example: Using ngStyle with All Approaches

In this example, we’ll use ngStyle in various ways within a single component:

In the component:

typescriptCopy codeimport { Component } from '@angular/core';
  selector: 'app-ngstyle-example',
  templateUrl: './ngstyle-example.component.html',
export class NgStyleExampleComponent {
  isActive = true;
  isLarge = false;
  backgroundColor = 'blue';
  dynamicStyles = {
    'color': 'white',
    'padding': '10px'
  getDynamicStyles() {
    return {
      'background-color': this.isActive ? 'green' : 'red',
      'font-size': this.isLarge ? '24px' : '14px'

In the template:

htmlCopy code<!-- ngStyle with object -->
<div [ngStyle]="{ 'color': 'white', 'background-color': backgroundColor }">
  ngStyle with Object
<!-- ngStyle with component property -->
<div [ngStyle]="dynamicStyles">ngStyle with Component Property</div>
<!-- ngStyle with function -->
<div [ngStyle]="getDynamicStyles()">ngStyle with Function</div>
<!-- [style] for comparison -->
<div [style.color]="isActive ? 'green' : 'red'">[style] Example</div>

In this example:

  • The first <div> uses a static object with dynamic values.
  • The second <div> uses a predefined component property to set styles.
  • The third <div> uses a function to return the styles dynamically.
  • The last <div> uses [style] to showcase a simpler, single-property binding.

When to Use ngStyle

  • For Responsive Design: ngStyle is helpful when creating responsive layouts, as it allows you to dynamically change styles based on screen size, user actions, or component states.
  • For Conditional Styling: Use ngStyle when you need to apply multiple styles based on conditions, such as changing the background color, text color, or size based on user interactions.
  • For Reusability: When using functions to return style objects, you can make your components more modular, easier to maintain, and reuse across templates.


The ngStyle directive in Angular 18 is a powerful tool for managing dynamic styling in components. Whether you’re applying styles using objects, functions, or combining it with regular [style] bindings, understanding the use cases for each approach will help you create more responsive and adaptable applications.

While the [style] binding works well for simple cases, ngStyle shines when you need to manage multiple styles based on component state or user interactions. By mastering ngStyle, you can build highly dynamic and user-friendly Angular applications that respond to user behavior and adapt to changing conditions seamlessly.


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