
Angular OnPush Change Detection and Observables Data Streams

combination of Angular's OnPush Change Detection Strategy and Observables Data Streams

Optimizing performance in Angular applications often requires a deep understanding of how change detection works. Combining the OnPush Change Detection Strategy with Observables Data Streams can lead to highly efficient, reactive applications. This article dives into the synergy between OnPush and Observables, exploring how they work together to enhance performance and maintain seamless UI updates.

Understanding Angular’s OnPush Change Detection

By default, Angular uses the Default Change Detection Strategy, which traverses the entire component tree to detect changes. However, in complex applications, this approach can become performance-intensive.

OnPush is a more efficient alternative that tells Angular to skip change detection for a component unless:

  1. An @Input binding changes (via a reference update).
  2. An event or manual trigger (e.g., via ChangeDetectorRef) occurs.

This immutability-based approach reduces the workload for Angular’s change detection, making it ideal for components dealing with static or infrequently changing data.

Introduction to Observables

Observables in Angular, provided by RxJS, are used to handle asynchronous data streams. They are common in Angular applications, powering data retrieval, user interactions, and real-time updates.

An Observable emits data over time, which can be subscribed to or piped through operators to transform or combine data. Angular’s async pipe simplifies working with Observables in templates, automatically subscribing and unsubscribing for you.


typescriptCopy code@Component({
  selector: 'app-observable-demo',
  template: `<div *ngIf="data$ | async as data">{{ data }}</div>`,
  changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush,
export class ObservableDemoComponent {
  data$: Observable<string> = of('Hello, Angular!');

OnPush + Observables: Why It Works

When using OnPush, Angular checks a component’s template for updates only when:

  1. Immutable changes: A new object or array reference is passed to an @Input.
  2. Event triggers: User interactions like clicks or data fetches.

Observables naturally align with this mechanism because they emit new data over time. Each emission triggers Angular’s change detection, allowing components with OnPush to update reactively while still benefiting from the performance gains of skipping unnecessary checks.

Key benefits include:

  • Efficiency: Only components with data changes are re-rendered.
  • Reactivity: Templates stay updated with the latest data.
  • Simplified state management: Observables handle data streams cleanly.

Using Observables with OnPush: Examples

1. Handling Data Streams

When fetching data from a service, using Observables ensures components receive the latest data while adhering to the OnPush strategy.

typescriptCopy code@Component({
  selector: 'app-user-list',
  template: `
      <li *ngFor="let user of users$ | async">{{ }}</li>
  changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush,
export class UserListComponent {
  users$: Observable<User[]> = this.userService.getUsers();
  constructor(private userService: UserService) {}
  • The users$ Observable streams data to the template.
  • The OnPush strategy ensures the component updates only when the Observable emits new values.

2. Combining Observables

With RxJS operators, multiple data streams can be combined or transformed, ensuring the component reacts efficiently.

typescriptCopy code@Component({
  selector: 'app-dashboard',
  template: `
    <div *ngIf="dashboardData$ | async as data">
      <h1>{{ data.title }}</h1>
      <p>{{ data.description }}</p>
  changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush,
export class DashboardComponent {
  dashboardData$: Observable<DashboardData> = combineLatest([
    map(([title, description]) => ({ title, description }))
  constructor(private dataService: DataService) {}

In this example:

  • combineLatest merges multiple Observables.
  • The component updates only when new data is emitted.

3. Triggering Change Detection Manually

Sometimes, Observables may emit data outside Angular’s detection zones (e.g., setTimeout or third-party libraries). In these cases, manually trigger change detection using ChangeDetectorRef.

typescriptCopy code@Component({
  selector: 'app-manual-update',
  template: `<p>{{ message }}</p>`,
  changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush,
export class ManualUpdateComponent {
  message = 'Waiting for update...';
  constructor(private cdr: ChangeDetectorRef) {
  simulateAsyncUpdate() {
    setTimeout(() => {
      this.message = 'Data updated!';
    }, 3000);


  • markForCheck ensures Angular updates the template after the asynchronous change.

Best Practices for OnPush and Observables

  1. Use the async Pipe
    Leverage the async pipe to handle subscription management automatically, reducing memory leaks.htmlCopy code<div>{{ data$ | async }}</div>
  2. Ensure Immutability
    Avoid direct mutations. Instead, create new references for objects or arrays to trigger updates.typescriptCopy code// Correct this.items = [...this.items, newItem]; // Incorrect this.items.push(newItem);
  3. Optimize Observable Streams
    Use RxJS operators like distinctUntilChanged or debounceTime to reduce redundant updates.
  4. Combine OnPush with State Management
    Tools like NgRx or Akita work seamlessly with OnPush and Observables, providing predictable and efficient state management.

When to Use OnPush with Observables

  • Real-Time Applications: Dashboards, chat applications, or live feeds.
  • High-Frequency Updates: Stock tickers, weather updates, or streaming data.
  • Static or Semi-Dynamic Data: Components displaying static or rarely changing data, combined with user-triggered updates.


Combining Angular’s OnPush Change Detection Strategy with Observables Data Streams is a powerful approach for building efficient, reactive applications. By leveraging the immutability of OnPush and the reactivity of Observables, developers can create applications that are both performant and maintainable.

Understanding how these concepts work together unlocks the full potential of Angular, allowing developers to build sophisticated applications with optimal performance and user experience.


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